Sunday, April 26, 2009

Convert to Lines #36

Serving the Seattle VectorWorks Users Group and Northwest Vectorworks users.

An archive of past newsletters can be found at
To contact me, please write to or call (206) 524-2808

In this issue:
• New video from VectorWorks for Left Handers
• Sort of new videos from NNA
• Bits and pieces

I’ve been on a breakneck pace since December getting out newsletters and how-to videos and I’m going to go light on the writing this month and focus on making a how-to video on adding colors and textures to 3D objects. Called Color and Texture, it is 17 minutes long and 48 MB in size. Fundamentals users may lack the texture libraries shown in this tutorial.

I will place this video in my public folder which contains several others. It can be found at:
You will be presented with a dialog box into which you should type the following:
Account: public
Password: vector
Click on the little down-pointing arrow at the end of the file row to begin the transfer.

I’m really pleased with the transition from the all-text nature of my newsletters to text-plus-video. Video clearly communicates that Vwks can be useful right out of the box provided there is a little help from your friends.

I’m happy to add a small bit of learning material to what is available to you from other, more established sources. You get what you pay for and that’s no lie. But it is equally true that the best things in life are free. Enjoy!

You’ve already had a chance to see the DWG tutorial video which was listed on the last NNA eDispatch newsletter. If you missed it, here is the URL:
Also available from NNA is a video on sustainable design:
Coming up from NNA:
Late April: Photorealistic Rendering
How and when to use HDRI, Final Gather and Radiosity to achieve superior rendering results.

Late May: Architectural Modeling
How 3D modeling tools like “Loft Surface” and “Create Contours” can help when designing organic 3D architectural shapes.
Late June: Key Elements with the Vectorworks Interface
How different palettes and menus like “OIP (Object Info Palette)”, “Resource Browser” and “The View Bar menu” can help on your day-to-day design process.


Here’s a new Vwks blog to bookmark:
The author, Brian J. Poole, or BJP, is a long time user of Vwks, is enthusiastic and has provided a solid place for community and for learning. Check it out.
See his very nice work on his website too

Last time I talked a little about printers. Pam Lund wrote to tell me that she uses an HP 500 N photocopier. She draws at 1/16”=1’ and then enlarges 200% to get to 1/8” scale.


That’s it! Hope you enjoy the video.

Tom Greggs